The 19th edition of the Australian Masters Games came to a thrilling end on Friday, October 13, 2023, with the exciting Bocce Raffa competition capping off a week of remarkable sportsmanship and competition.
The event was marked by exemplary playing and fierce competition, with participants leaving it all on the field.
The results of the Bocce Raffa competition were as follows:
- Gold – Lidia Addabbo and Anna Piccirillo
- Silver – Paola Matta and Antonia Zotti
- Bronze – Angelo Addabbo and Achille Piccirillo.
The results of the Bocce Volo competition were as follows:
- Gold – Angelo Addabbo and Achille Piccirillo
- Silver – Lidia Addabbo and Anna Piccirillo
- Bronze – Serafino Maglieri and Erminio Ronaldo.
The high level of play during the competition was made possible by the expert refereeing of Franco Fava and Gennaro Galasso, ensuring that the rules and regulations were upheld throughout the event.
The awards ceremony was a moment of pride and celebration, with the former president of Bocce SA, Mirella Mancini, doing the honours of presenting the medals to the deserving winners.
In closing, the organisers expressed their gratitude to all participants, officials, volunteers, partners, and sponsors who made the 19th Australian Masters Games a grand success, fostering the true spirit of camaraderie and sportsmanship.
As the event came to an end, the Australian Masters Games committee also announced their plans for the future. The 20th Australian Masters Games will be hosted in the nation’s capital, Canberra, in October 2025. It promises to be another exhilarating showcase of sports and competition, and they look forward to welcoming both familiar faces and new participants to the event.
With a sense of nostalgia and anticipation, the organisers bid farewell to the 19th Australian Masters Games, urging everyone to take care and look forward to reuniting in the Australian Capital Territory for the 20th edition.
Until then, the memories of the 2013 Games will remain a cherished part of Australian sporting history.
Written by Frank Funari.