Become a coach

Coaching for bocce can be done on either an individual or group level. Coaches for the game are available Australia wide, and through their expertise can drive bocce players to great heights and help them to accomplish their goals.

If you’re ready to take your love of bocce to the next level and start supporting other players, here’s how you can become a bocce coach in Australia.

You will need to complete two training courses:

  1. The Community Coaching – Essential Skills course
  2. The Bocce Specific Coaching Course

The first is a general coaching course, and the second is specifically around the sport of bocce.


The Community Coaching – Essential Skills course

This course is aimed at first time and beginner coaches (for example, parents).

You’ll learn the principles and practices of coaching a sport, your roles and responsibilities, and how to best communicate with those you’re coaching.

The course contains eight modules, which will take you approximately three hours to complete online. You will also be assessed within each module.

  1. Safeguarding in sport – Protecting children and adults 
  2. Who you coach – Engaging participants
  3. Where you coach– Space, equipment and facilities
  4. What you coach– Session planning
  5. How you connect – Communication
  6. How you engage and organise – Stakeholder management
  7. How you deliver – Group management
  8. How you improve – Self-reflection and assessment

Register your interest in taking this course at the Sport Australia website.


The Bocce Specific Coaching Course

The bocce specific course is normally run by each state’s bocce federation, in association with Bocce Australia.

During this course, you’ll learn the following units:

  1. Introduction to bocce
  2. Basic bowling and throwing
  3. Teaching basic skills (Children)
  4. Training exercises (Basic)
  5. Progressive throwing (Basic)
  6. Plan a training program

For more details or to register, contact your local bocce federation.