Ever wonder what to do with your second-hand bocce balls lying around at home?
Instead of using them as door stops or paper weights, head on over to our new Facebook group Bocce Boules Raffa Buy/Sell/Wanted and pass them on to make the sport more accessible for everyone.
I think we all know how difficult, and expensive it is to get your hands on decent bocce balls in Australia. What we want for the future of our beloved sport is for it to be available to everyone who would like to try it.
Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to buy new balls, especially newcomers who only want to try the sport before committing to such an expense. This is where our Facebook group comes in.
We all want to expand our sport, bring in more competitors. By having a place to buy second-hand balls, at a reduced cost, we will achieve this. When any of the clubs sign new members, or has someone express interest in the sport, they can be directed to our group.
We all love our sport, and we want it to grow. We are hoping this group will be just one way to get our sport out there, to the wider community, and maybe one day, there will be a team of great bocce/raffa players representing Australia at the Olympics.
Joe Maselli
Admin – Bocce Boules Raffa Buy/Sell/Wanted