• Bocce Raffa: Australia wins silver

Bocce Australia is your premium destination for all things related to the ball game of bocce. We organise bocce events Australia-wide and our aim is to introduce this most fun and enjoyable game to as many Australians as possible.

Italian migrants to Australia introduced the game of bocce but since then it has taken a real popularity amongst their descendants and the wider community. The plural of the Italian word bocce is ‘boccia’ which translates to ‘bowl’ in sports. Despite some stereotypes out there, the game can be enjoyed by all people from all age groups. It’s not just an ‘old man’s pastime’. There is actually a lot of strategy and foresight required that makes it ideal for youngsters to sharpen their cognitive thinking skills.

No matter what age group you are, we can guarantee that after a few games, you will end up loving bocce!

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